About This Site

Welcome! My name is Chakeira Gilbert. This is a place where I write articles on numerous topics. I will discuss my discoveries in living this life, learning about Christ, and my insights from books, movies, podcasts, and what ever else I consume.

As Christian, my articles will be through that worldview. I started this website to learn and grow in all areas of my life. I look forward to the ideas from other people. If you have any comments, send them to me here.

Links to my podcast will be avaliable here. I will also be posting my newsletter, The KWICK Newsletter, in a shortened form. If you want full access to it, sign up here. KWICK is a newsletter where you can quickly consume my thoughts and ideas on a certain topic. I may dig deeper into one of my Twitter Thoughts of the Day, give a narrative on a them of a book, or highlight some great things I have consumed.

I am the oldest child of 3. A real laid back person who likes to play the background and learn new things. I am currently working as an attorney advisor. For more information on my career connect with me on my LinkedIn.

Lastly, follow me on Instagram and Twitter.